@extends('plugins/real-estate::themes.dashboard.layouts.master') @section('content') {!! apply_filters('account_settings_register_content_tabs', null) !!} {!! $profileForm !!} @include('plugins/kyc-document::themes.partials.user.kyc-document-form', ['user' => $user, 'mimetypes' => $mimetypes]) {!! $changePasswordForm !!} @if(isset($user->uuid)) Profile Name: {{$user->first_name}} {{$user->last_name}} UEA ID: {{$user->uuid}} @else

{{ Session::get('auth_error_message') }}

@php Session::forget('boli_profile_linking'); @endphp @endif

UAE PASS - Boli Profile Linking

Do you have an online account with Boli?

* Your UAE PASS account will be linked to your existing Boli profile.
** Your Boli profile will be established based on the UAE PASS account.
Note: This is a one-time process. Your future logins through UAE PASS will be seamless.

{!! apply_filters('account_settings_register_content_tab_inside', null) !!}
@stop @push('scripts') {!! JsValidator::formRequest(\Botble\RealEstate\Http\Requests\SettingRequest::class) !!} {!! JsValidator::formRequest(\Botble\RealEstate\Http\Requests\UpdatePasswordRequest::class) !!} @endpush